A Safe Space
For Healing & Growth

Supporting you through every stage of life


Excessive worry, restlessness, parenting guilt, difficulty concentrating, low self-esteem, body issues, financial stress, trauma, divorce, anxiety, substance abuse, isolation, poor sleep, depression, ADHD, caregiver burnout, unhealthy relationship with food, exhaustion, caffeine addiction...

Enough about me, let’s talk about you.

I hear you, I get you, I’ve been you, I am you. 

I will stand in solidarity with you throughout your journey of healing. Even if that means holding you steady while you regain the strength to stand independently.


Meet Jess Grueneich

Family, friends, and patients describe me as bubbly, playful, smart, direct, sweet, tenacious, and encouraging.

If I had a dollar for every time a patient left my office saying, “You’re not what I expected a therapist to be like, you’re a real person”. To my response, “that’s the point”.

… and I would have a lot of dollars.


I value

  • connection

  • honesty

  • collaboration


My Approach

Whether you need to heal new or old wounds, gain control over debilitating anxiety, increase motivation, or find your spark again, therapy is the perfect place to start.

We’ll harness your strengths to build momentum for positive change. I promise, you already have far more strengths than you give yourself credit for. We’ll tailor treatment goals to meet you where you’re currently at in life, and where you aspire to be.

I’ll be your advocate, confidant, and personal hype girl.

I believe in you, it’s time you believe in yourself.


You can count on me to always tell you the truth. Even if you don’t want to hear it. Especially when you need to hear it. It’s reciprocal too. I value and appreciate transparency in the therapeutic alliance.

No need to fret, my kicks are always delivered gently with a warm smile.

 No judgement. No criticism.

Your experiences and feelings are valid and respected.


 For educational mental health content, join me @solidaritymentalhealthllc